F#@k Branding
Excuse me while I have a moment.
More ›Excuse me while I have a moment.
More ›Billable hours are a distraction from the real value designers provide. We need to think about that value and what it’s worth.
More ›Mike Monteiro is helping bring to light that fact that graphic/web design is an ‘unprofessional profession’ (to steal a poignant phrase from Andy Rutledge). How is it that, nearly a century after the formation of the AIGA, designers still don’t know what they’re doing and why?
More ›Excuse me… It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Life’s been moving quickly these past, ahem, five months. Let’s see. Well, most of my time has been spent working. Non-stop, it seems, but that’s really not true. Still, my life is dominated by the demands of eleven-seventeen and teaching at Lakehead. eleven-seventeen is going well. Too […]
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